きっかけは、シェアメイトである吉野剛さんの「走りの聖地に行きたい」という発言でした。日本国内でVibram FiveFingersの総合代理店を経営する彼の行動力や判断力には驚かされることが多く、ずっと前から尊敬の念を抱いていました。とりあえず、同行してみよう。私は、軽い気持ちでケニア行きのチケットを予約しました。

Follow a friend who goes to the holy place of running
The trigger was a statement from the sharemate “I would like to go to the holy place of running” , which our share mate Tsuyoshi Yoshino said.
He is Managing general agency of Vibram FiveFingers in Japan. Often time, I’ve been amazed by his ability and judgment, because of that I’ve respected him since we met first time. I thought “it must be valuable epxerience” then, I booked a ticket for Kenya.
One hour by air from the capital Nairobi to Eldoret. From there, drive about 1 hour to the northeast to get to the marathon’s holy place, ITEN. The elevation is about 2400m. A lot of runners come from all over the world to experience Kenyan training.
Kenyan runners run in the holy place Iten
A few minutes walk from the hotel, we arrived at the training area, where the runners of Kenya were running. They were running as lonely and powerful as a racehorse. I was just overwhelmed by the speed and the power.