

グデ・マンデラ氏は、プリアタン村に古くから伝わる宮廷の古典舞踊レゴンに、古典的なガムラン楽器の甘美で美しい音色による演出を取り入れ、 一躍世界中でその名を馳せました。現在は子孫である舞踊家アナッ・アグン・グデ・オカ・グラム氏が、伝統文化の保存継承に力を注いでいます。

The Tirta Sari Performance has been inheriting Balinese dance. It was founded in 1978 by Anak Agung Gude Mandela who is renowned as the 20th century director of the Balinese entertainment world. Peliatan Village is a next to the east of Ubud Village in Bali. Especially Balinese dance is popular and famous.
If it could keep the original value
Mr. Gude Mandela has made the sweet and beautiful tone of the classic Gamelan instrument in the traditional dance legong of the court in the village of Peliatan, and won the name all over the world. Now, his descendants Anat Agung Gude Oka Gram are focusing on preserving and inheriting traditional culture.