Barefootinc Japan社で販売しているVibram FiveFingersとInstinct トレイルベストのトライアル会を撮影してきました。
Vibram FiveFingersやInstinctに興味を持った読者が、実際にトレイルしてみてもらえるように、今回のトライアル会で登った山やコースの紹介も掲載しています。
Instinctトレイルベスト EVOLUTION 7L / Vibram FiveFingers V-Trail

I have shot the trials of the Vibram FiveFingers and Instinct trail vests sold by Barefootinc Japan at Mt.Hinata.
I climbed to the middle of the mountain by car, and from there all members except me ran up. It was quite hard shooting for me who usually does not exercise at all.
In order for readers interested in Vibratm FiveFingers and Instinct to actually try trails, we also introduce the mountains and courses that we climbed at this trial meeting.
The blue and green colors are enhanced slightly to develop the green air of the mountain. About four days after I came home, I suffered from muscle pain.